Friday, April 15, 2011

It's Back!

Went to my LLMD today after a 3-month hiatus. I finished the prescriptions in mid-February and I was feeling really great. But then, slowly but surely, old and new symptoms started to pop up. My biggest issue right now is in my torso. I've had heart palpitations and flutters, chest pain/heaviness, and an intermittent ache in my upper stomach.

My joints have been feeling great, my energy levels are good, so my original Lyme symptoms have subsided. The new symptoms are apparently all co-infection related. The worst ones are linked to Babesia and I am also showing some Bartonella.

So I'm back on the drugs for a while. He's switching me from Doxy to Minocycline. I'm taking Rifampin and Zithromax again. He's also starting me on LDN therapy (Low-Dose Naltrexone). I also have to go back on Diflucan as my candida is out of control again.

So, here I go again. Another 2 months of drugs. So much for feeling better.

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